Plastic Surgery

Dos and Don’ts before Rhinoplasty

Knowing and strictly following the Dos and Don’ts before rhinoplasty is the primary requirement for a successful and trouble-free operation.

Many problems or complications faced during the surgical process occur generally in cases where patients do not know enough or do not pay attention to these recommendations.

Therefore, I recommend that you read the topics I have brought to your attention, from beginning to end, and consult your physician for more information if necessary.

Psychological Preparation for Surgery

Rhinoplasty is an aesthetic surgical procedure that can make dramatic, irreversible changes in the face.

Therefore, I recommend that any person considering this surgery do not make a sudden decision on a whim. The psychologically best candidates are those who have had a significant nasal deformity since adolescence and have been preparing for this surgery and the expected change in their faces for years.

In addition; you should avoid having your surgery when you are psychologically distressed and stressed, such as during a divorce process or an exam period.

I observe that those who think positively and are at peace with themselves and their close community undergo the surgery process more easily in all respects.

Protection from COVID-19 Pandemic

What is Secondary Revision Rhinoplasty?


Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic still goes on.  This condition poses an additional risk to people who will undergo surgery under general anesthesia and has the potential to cause serious lung problems.

Therefore, even if you have been vaccinated or have already been infected with this disease before, it is useful to start taking the necessary precautions 2 weeks before the operation.

Especially in the last week, you and the people sharing the same place with you should carefully observe the social isolation, mask, distance and hygiene rules.

Even if you tested negative for COVID-19 using a PCR test before rhinoplasty, you should carefully observe yourself until you undergo the operation, and you should inform your physician if you feel even the slightest symptoms.

You should definitely not conceal such a condition for the fear of the postponement of the surgery. You can find more detailed information on this issue in our blog post “Aesthetic Surgery in the Pandemic”.

If you have ever had COVID-19 before, there should be at least 7-week between the disease and the date of rhinoplasty. It would be useful to wait for at least 2 weeks after your last vaccination.

Physical Health

Those with chronic diseases such as thyroid gland disorder, asthma, diabetes or anemia (anemia) should definitely meet with their physicians in the preoperative period, repeat their examination texts and find out whether they are ready for a surgical operation to be performed under general anesthesia.

Remember that you should undergo the surgery when you are at your best both mentally and physically.

Drugs and Nutritional Supplements with Blood Thinning Effect: Many drugs and substances, colloquially known as “blood thinners”, impede the normal clotting mechanism of the blood. As a result, bleeding and bruising occur more than normal during the surgery and in the postoperative period.

Therefore, the drugs and nutritional supplements listed below, which have a blood thinning effect, should be discontinued at least 2 weeks before rhinoplasty and should not be re-consumed until 2 postoperative weeks have passed. These are;

  • Drugs that contain acetylsalicylic acid such as Aspirin etc.
  • Non-steroid anti-inflammatory pain relievers (Pain relievers that contain paracetamol can be used).
  • Green tea, lemon juice
  • Cayenne pepper (capsicum annum), billberry (vaccinium myrtillus)
  • Fish oil capsules
  • Ginkgo Biloba pills
  • Ginseng (panax)
  • Echinacea (echinacea angustifolia)
  • Liorice root (glycyrrhiza glabra)
  • Ephedra (ephedra sinica)
  • Melatonin
  • Vitamin E
  • St. John’s wort (hypericum perforatum)
  • Ginger (zingiber officinale)
  • Garlic

In general, if you need to use any drug before surgery, it is useful to inform your physician and then act according to his/her recommendations.

Birth Control Pills

Due to their hormone contents, birth control pills (also known as oral contraceptives) used for any reason cause an increased risk of clot formation in the leg veins. In the process of surgery, the formation of a clot in the legs and its delivery to the pulmonary veins may cause serious complications.

Therefore, it would be useful to discontinue birth control pills (oral contraceptives) at least 1 month before the date of surgery and to wait until having a menstrual period.

If there is a history of leg thrombophlebitis etc., it is definitely necessary to inform the physician.

Pregnancy Prevention (Contraception)

Some drugs used during surgery and anesthesia has not been tested for safety in pregnant women and they may be considered objectionable. Therefore, female patients should take the necessary precautions to avoid getting pregnant in the period between their last menstrual period and the date of surgery.

Immune Status

It is important to make sure that your body’s immune system is normal before rhinoplasty. Therefore, you need to stay away from activities and habits that can suppress your immune system. You should make sure that your surgery does not coincide with a period when you are extremely tired and stressed.

You should not consume drugs and alcohol. You should not follow strict or one-side diets. It is beneficial to sleep regularly in the postoperative days.

Weight Status

Having a body mass index within normal limits is something desirable. Extremely thin or obese patients are at a higher risk for complications. Obesity accompanied by smoking or additional chronic diseases, in particular, increases the risk even more.

For this reason, it is of great benefit to lose weight until your weight is within normal limits before rhinoplasty, which is a not an urgent surgical procedure.


Quitting smoking and consumption of other nicotine-containing substances 1 month before the surgery is of great benefit as they negatively affect both the lung and respiratory functions and the healing of the tissues.

Eating Before Rhinoplasty

A balanced diet should be followed before rhinoplasty. Easy-to-digest foods and foods with natural fiber content should be preferred, and plenty of water should be consumed. Caffeinated beverages, refined foods, excessively sugary carbohydrates and alcohol should not be consumed. Ready-to-eat foods and canned foods should be avoided.

Fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, fish, legumes, nuts and whole wheat bread should be preferred. You should be more careful about the risk of food poisoning, and should not consume foods sold in open areas or ordered from outside.

Regularly Used Drugs

The physician should be informed about the regularly used medications such as blood pressure drugs, anti-diabetic drugs and anti-thyroid drugs, and these medications should be continued on the morning of the surgery and the next day according to the physician’s recommendation.

Preoperative Fasting Time

The stomach should be completely empty before rhinoplasty. Otherwise, the patient may experience serious complications such as nausea, vomiting and escape of stomach contents into the trachea while regaining consciousness after surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to consume easy-to-digest and watery foods the night before the surgery.

The patient should have a light breakfast 8 hours before the surgery and should drink plenty of water. In hot seasons, only water can be consumed until 6 hours before the operation. After that time, oral food intake should be stopped, that is, the patient should act as if he/she is fasting.

It is not desirable to keep the stomach empty for more than 8 hours because in cases of long-term fasting, gastric juice is not discharged from the stomach and accumulates, causing post-operative nausea and vomiting. Therefore, the clock should be set to get up early for a light breakfast if necessary.

If the patient did not wake up in time and did not eat any food, and if the time before the operation is less than 8 hours, he/she should definitely not consume any food.

The Night before Rhinoplasty

Take a shower with lukewarm water, spend the evening resting, and go to bed in time.

Morning of the Surgery

  • If you need to take any drug in the morning before rhinoplasty, take it within the knowledge of your physician.
  • Remove your contact lenses.
  • Remove your necklaces, piercings, and jewelry or metal hairpins.
  • Do not put on makeup, and do not apply nail polish on your nails.
  • Do not cut nose hair.


1- How should I prepare for rhinoplasty. www.plasticsurgery.org

How many hours should the patient fast before rhinoplasty?

The patient should have a light breakfast 8 hours before the surgery and should drink plenty of water. There should be no oral intake afterwards. In hot seasons, water can be consumed until 6 hours before the operation. You can get the exact information about this during your meeting with the anesthesiologist before the operation.

Can nose hair be removed before rhinoplasty?

Do not pluck your nose hair before the surgery and do not attempt to get them remove because such actions may cause infection in the hair root. At the beginning of the operation, your surgeon will cut the nose hair under sterile conditions before starting the operation.

What can be eaten before rhinoplasty?

 Easy-to-digest fibrous foods and watery foods should be consumed. Ready-to-eat foods and canned foods should be avoided. Sugary carbohydrate foods should be avoided. Alcohol or caffeinated beverages should not be consumed.

Can I drink water before rhinoplasty?

You can drink water until 6 hours before the operation, but if there is less time left than this, do not drink anything.

Is it possible to have rhinoplasty in the menstrual period?

 In terms of your comfort, it would be useful that your surgery does not coincide with your menstrual period. On the other hand, being on your period does not require you to postpone your rhinoplasty operation.

What should I take with me when I go to have rhinoplasty?

You can bring pajamas or a nightgown that can be unbuttoned in the front (that does not require pulling over the head). Don’t forget to bring your ID card. If there is any medication that you use regularly, bring it with you.

I would like to remind you that you will need a person accompanying you when you leave the hospital. You will not be able to drive a car. What you should not bring to the hospital is more important than what you should bring. I advise you not to bring your jewelry or anything valuable.

What tests are performed before rhinoplasty?

Before the rhinoplasty operation, your physician talks with the Anesthesiology and Reanimation specialist of the hospital, where the surgery will be performed, and then some examinations are performed according to the evaluation of your physician. The routine tests performed on patients under 40 years of age who have no complaints include complete blood count, bleeding and coagulation tests, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, HIV (AIDS) tests and blood group tests.

In addition to the PCR test for Covid-19, some additional tests such as ECG, Chest X-ray, Hepatic and Renal Function tests are requested when deemed necessary. Patients receiving drug therapy for thyroid disease should have TSH and T4 hormone tests to see their current status. For diabetic patients, fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1c tests are requested.

Is underwear worn during rhinoplasty?

 Disposable underwear supplied by the hospital is worn during any plastic surgery. All your socks and underwear are taken off.

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